Specialized Services
We provide services in auditing, financial reporting, and management accounting for governmental sectors, non-profit and for-profit clients.
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Our Clients Say...

Reliable, professional and responsive...
Danyce Steck - Administrative Services Director, West Jordan City
We regard the staff at Keddington and Christensen as key members of our team. We collaborate with them throughout the year as we look for ways to implement best practices and respond to new reporting requirements. They are reliable, professional, and responsive to our needs. They have a strong reputation among the government community as being experts in our industry. In a world where independent auditors can often be seen as the opponent, K&C has flipped the script and instead focuses on being a trusted resource.

They care about our finances as much as we do.
Sherrie Broadbent - Finance Director, Grantsville City
The staff at Keddington & Christensen are an essential part of our finance team. They care about our finances as much as we do. They not only answer our questions, but also take the time to train us and guide us through the process of new regulations and requirements. No question is too big or too small; they will find the answers we need.